752. Krombacher Gruppe – Krombacher Dark

752. Krombacher Gruppe - Krombacher DarkI’m still at the Beer House Chicago since I’m staying a across the street while I’m up in the Chicago suburbs for work. As I mentioned in my last post, there was a sales girl here giving away glasses if you have both Keombacher Pils and this Dark. It’s kind of a cool glass and it’s somewhat cheap, so I figured why not.

Location: On tap and served in a Krombacher Pilsner glass at Beer House Chicago in Lombard, IL.

Numbers: 4.3% ABV, 9.8% OG

Appearance & Aroma: It’s black in color with ruby highlights when held up to the light, revealing that it’s dark but clear. The head fell to a thin layer on top, but it had some good lacing. The aroma is lightly grainy some hints or roastiness.

Taste & Feel: The body is light and the mouthfeel is lightly crisp, but somewhat watery. Up front there’s a watery, light roastiness that grows slightly in the middle. The roastiness peaks in the finish, but it’s still pretty light and not much stronger than where it began. There’s a light earthy hop flavor to balance the light roasty malt sweetness.  The aftertaste is a light roastiness with a very light graininess in the background.

Food Pairing: I had this beer with a thick, juicy, mushroom and swiss burger, and the burger ripped through this light beer. I would go with something lighter with this beer, as most meats would be too bold for it. I’d pair it with something light where the light roastiness would add a unique component. I think a grilled chicken salad or a southwest style salad would be a great pairing with this beer.

Overall Impression: I thought this was a very drinkable beer, but the flavors were a bit too light. I felt like the Krombacher Pilsner I just enjoyed had a better grainy flavor than this beer. It would be a good beet to get a light lager drinker to try something darker, but for me, I wanted something more from the flavor or body, or something. Overall, it wasn’t bad, but it was too light for me.

My Rating: ★★★☆☆


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Author: kkozlen

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