905. Sierra Nevada / Duvel – Hoppy Belgian-Style Golden Ale
It’s Sunday of Labor Day weekend and it’s sunny and hot outside. I went out to get the lawn water sprinklers ready for this evening and was ready to cool down with a beer after a little bit. This beer was part of the Beer Camp Across the World pack I received from Sierra Nevada. It’s their collaboration beer with Duvel, and the bottle says, “We’re combining elements of Duvel’s classic golden ale with Sierra...
672. Kona Brewing – Big Wave Golden Ale
We picked up Buffalo Wild Wings dinner and I sat down with this beer to watch the Olympics opening ceremonies. This beer was given to me by my wife as part of a mixed 6-pack she bought me for my birthday. Since my birthday was back in September, I figured I’d better have this lighter beer soon. Location: Poured into a chalice glass at my home in Bloomington, IL. Numbers: 4.4% ABV, 21 IBUs, 10.3° Plato OG, ~110 Calories...
665. Russian River Brewing – Damnation Golden Ale
It’s a snowy and rainy Saturday afternoon, good for staying home and enjoying a few beers. As I approached the beer of the beast, #666, I was considering what I should have for that dark brew. This is definitely one I considered, but I thought it might be more appropriate to have it right now, signaling my impending damnation before I have #666. I picked up this beer during my trip to Seattle last year, and fortunately it...
588. Bell’s Brewery – Third Coast Beer
Thank God it’s Friday! I came home from work today and we had a new stove installed and freshly cleaned carpets. Since I still have to install the microwave, I thought it was time to crack open a beer and check it out. I spotted this one near the middle of the beer fridge, so I dug it out. I can’t remember exactly when or where I got this beer, but it has “10292” on the back, so I’m thinking it may be a...
556. North Coast Brewing – Pranqster Belgian Style Golden Ale
After stopping at Flinger’s Pizza Pub for a Green Flash West Coast IPA and a couple of pizza rolls, I headed to our homebrew club meeting at Fat Jack’s. I looked to see what was on the menu I hadn’t had yet, and this one caught my eye. I’d seen it at the liquor store, and heard good things about it, so I thought I’d give it a try since it was on draft. Location: On tap and served in a curved glass at Fat Jack’s in...
436. Flat Branch Pub & Brewing – Belgian Golden
As I’ve mentioned in the last few posts, I’m in Columbia, MO for my fraternity’s annual golf tournament. After stops at 44 Stone for a couple beers, and Booches for more beer and burgers, my friend Joe and I met up with our friend Bill who lives in Columbia. The rest of the crowd went to Harpo’s, and instead, we headed to Flat Branch Pub & Brewing for a few more beers. According to the menu: “A...
387. Lazy Magnolia – N’awlins Golden Ale
I’m in the Big Easy for a couple days for work, and we walked down to the French Quarter looking for a place to eat. We stopped at the Riverfront Restaurant. The waiter mentioned they had a beer on tap from Lazy Magnolia brewed especially for New Orleans. So, I had to try it. Location: Enjoyed a pilsner glass, at Riverfront Restaurant in New Orleans, LA. Appearance & Aroma: It was slightly hazy and was golden in color with...
304. The Bruery – Mischief Belgian Style Ale
I’m hanging out at The Abbey Brewing Company in Miami Beach, Florida this afternoon. I’ve tried their Immaculate IPA and Father Theodore’s Stout, while having a nice conversation with their Brewmaster/President Raymond Rigazio. He had to leave, but I stuck around for a bit nursing my stout. Since it’s Easter/Passover this week, things were extremely slow at the bar. So, I got to know Carlos the bartender,...
49. New Glarus Brewing – Golden Ale
It’s Sunday afternoon, I just finished mowing and trimming the yard and had a turkey sandwich for lunch. I looked into the beer fridge for something appropriate and passed on all the stouts and double IPAs. I found a New Glarus Golden Ale which sounded pretty good. The 500ml bottle has all of the details on the label and it says it was brewed on 3-23-09 and bottled on 6-18-09. Additionally, it says it was a 160 BBL batch, an OG...
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