761. Green Man Brewing – ESB Special Amber Ale
It’s been a fun afternoon, shooting a video at work, and leaving early to get home and watch the kids while my wife goes to happy hour. I took the kids out to dinner at Moe’s, and when we got home I decided it was time for a beer. This one has been in the refrigerator for a while now. it’s one of the beers my sister picked up for me on her trip to Asheville, North Carolina. I’ve already had a couple of beers...
687. Red Hook Brewery – ESB
My daughter’s birthday party with our family is in full swing, and I decided to have another beer. It’s been a long day, after a party at Chuck E Cheese with her friends at lunch, and now a family party in the evening. My dad and sister are here, along with my wife’s parents and sister’s family. I don’t remember for sure, but I think I picked up this beer as part of a mixed six pack I bought on vacation...
474. Hale’s Ales – Cream HSB Hales Special Bitter
I’m in Seattle for work this week and stopped at this brewery on my way back to the hotel for the evening. They offered some small sample glasses, and I already had their Red Menace Big Amber. While having my first beer, I read a few reviews on beers from this brewery, and it sounded like the Cream beers they offered on nitro draft were their best. So, for my next one, I went with this one. Location: On tap and served in a...
457. Cigar City Brewing – Minaret ESB
About three weeks ago, I returned from my family vacation to Florida. While there, I visited Cigar City Brewing in Tampa, and brought back several of their beers. I had their Maduro Brown Ale and the Jai Alai IPA while I was there, and brought this growler back from the brewery (along with a few others I haven’t reviewed yet). Of the beers I sampled in their tasting room, I knew I wanted to bring this one back. Of course...
299. Capitol City Brewing – Extra Special Bitter (ESB) Draft
As I mentioned in my last post, I’m in Washington DC for work today and stopped at Capitol City Brewing in Arlington, VA for dinner and a beer or two. This is my second beer here after having their Amber Waves Ale with my meal. Since my coworker decided to have a glass of wine for dessert, and I was driving, I went for this as my second beer. Location: On tap at Capitol City Brewing in Arlington, VA Numbers: 4.7% ABV...
233. Potosi Brewing – Pure Malt Cave Ale
A friend of mine from work, Jim, took a trip up to Wisconsin with his family and shared with me a few microbrews he brought back from his trip. When I looked in the beer fridge today, one of the beers he brought me back was right inside the door. I’ve had a Potosi beer once before, when my in-laws made it up to Wisconsin, they brought one back and gave it to me. It must be easy to find up there. This particular bottle had 6.5%...
219. St. Louis Brewery / Schlafly – Winter ESB Draft
My mom had emergency heart surgery on Thursday, so we rushed to St. Louis to be with her and my dad. It was extremely scary, but the doctors say she’s doing pretty good after the surgery. It was very unexpected and caught my entire family by surprise. We’re praying for her and hope she recovers quickly. After spending the weekend at the hospital with my stomach a bit tied up in a knot, we decided to stop at...
207. Flatbranch Pub & Brewing – Hudsons E.S.B. Cask Beer
As I mentioned in my previous post, we’re in my old college town of Columbia, MO, for homecoming at Mizzou. It’s also the first time that ESPN College Gameday has come to Columbia. This morning we took the kids down to enjoy the atmosphere (we helped set a new attendance record at ESPN Gameday with over 18,000 fans) and see the set. Before the show ended, we headed over to Flatbranch to grab an early lunch before the...
199. Left Hand Brewing – 400 Pound Monkey English IPA
We’re on our way to the Oktoberfest celebration in Hermann, MO, and I’ve already had a Schlafly Oktoberfest to satisfy my daily requirement as part of my Oktoberfest Challenge. While my intention was to dig into my freshly home brewed pumpkin beer, my friend also had this Left Hand 400lb Monkey in his cooler and offered it to me. Since I haven’t had it before, and I do appreciate ESB’s and English IPA’s I...
155. Bridgeport Brewing – ESB
I thoroughly enjoyed my pizza and pale ale at the Bridgeport Brew Pub, so I thought I’d have another half pint before heading back to my hotel to pack. I had a great week at Full Sail Brewing for my Brewmaster Internship and had an awesome time at the Oregon Brewers Festival, but it was time to get ready to head home. However, I thought I’d give Bridgeport’s ESB a shot. The menu said, “BridgePort ESB is a...
107. Hopworks Urban Brewery – Velvet Underground Imperial Black ESB Draft
After brewing all day at Full Sail’s Riverplace location, recording a segment for the Beer Goddess, navigating Portland rush hour, checking into my hotel out by the airport, then navigating Portland’s MAX, I finally made it back down to the riverfront for the Oregon Brewers Festival Brewmasters’ dinner. They were serving beers that weren’t on the Oregon Brewers Festival list, so I thought I’d jump right...
18. Faultline Brewing Co. – Best Bitter Draft
As I mentioned in my last review, it was a long, long day, so I ordered the next beer in anticipation of enjoying it with my meal. I ordered Faultline Brewing Company’s Best Bitter, which the menu says, is “an English style amber ale with sweet caramel malt flavors that yield to bitter hop flavors from a good dose of English hops. The Nitrogen/Carbon Dioxide blend gives this beer a creamy head and smooth...
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