629. New Glarus Brewing – Two Women Lager

629. New Glarus Brewing - Two Women Lager

It’s Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, and I’m sitting at home watching college watching football. In particular, I’m watching my Mizzou Tigers take on Texas A&M and “Johnny Football.” It’s a been a tight game, and I decided to crack this one open a couple of these during the game. This beer was in a New Glarus variety 12 pack I picked up a few months ago when we were passing through Wisconsin on our way back from a doctor appointment in Minnesota. According to the label, this beer is a collaboration between New Glarus and Weyermann Malting (both women-owned companies).

Location: Poured into a Stella Artois chalice at my home in Bloomington, IL.

Numbers: Nothing listed on the bottle or on their website

Appearance & Aroma: It’s a dark amber color with some reddish hues and great clarity. It has a good amount of carbonation in it, but the head fell to just a thin layer of bubbles across the top. The aroma has some caramel maltiness with some fruitiness in the background.

Taste & Feel: This beer has a light body and a crisp mouthfeel. There’s a Iight caramel-bready flavor up front with some crispness that comes in right in the middle. In the finish, there’s a caramel and slightly bready maltiness that comes through with an earthy bitterness. It’s the maltiness and light bitterness that last for a brief time in aftertaste.

Food Pairing: The flavors in this beer were fairly light, and there wasn’t much flavor but light caramel maltiness. It would be a good beer to help wash down a hearty meal, therefore I’d go with a steak, stew, or chili.

Overall Impression: It was mostly a light, drinkable beer with some caramel and breadiness. The flavor was good, it was just light. Despite its darker color, the caramel maltiness was fairly light. This was pretty much a drinkable, plain Jane type of beer that was nothing special. Overall, it’s a beer that might be a good transition beer to get macro beer drinkers to try something that’s a little less threatening and offers a bit more flavor than what they’re used to.

My Rating: ★★½☆☆

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Author: kkozlen

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