I’m in St. Louis for work, and went out to dinner with my dad, who lives there. We went out to Texas Roadhouse for some steak, and I thought I’d have a beer with dinner. The selection was mostly macrobrews… well, I remember when this one came out, there was quite the buzz about it, so I thought I’d give this beer a try and see if it lives up to the marketing hype.
Location: Enjoyed in the bottle at Texas Roadhouse restaurant in Arnold, MO.
Numbers: 6% ABV, 137 Calories
Appearance & Aroma: I didn’t ask for a glass to pour it in, so I can’t tell exactly, but I’d be willing to bet it’s light yellow-gold in color and has a foamy white head. The aroma was lightly bready and grainy, smelling a little bit like crushed pilsner malt.
Taste & Feel: It had a medium body and a slightly crisp mouthfeel with some carbonation. The flavors up front were slightly sweet and bready, which evolved into a bit of graininess in the middle. The finish was somewhat crisp, and very little flavor was left in the aftertaste.
Food Pairing: It went good with my thick-cut prime rib and baked potato, helping me wash down this hearty meal. This was light enough in body and flavor that it could go with almost any food. Since it had a bit more bready and grainy flavor that a regular Bud Light, I’d probably pair it with another hearty meal that complements these flavors. Therefore, I’d probably pair it with something like a meat pie.
Overall Impression: I remember the ads talking about how it had been “triple filtered,” and I wasn’t expecting much flavor out of it. While the aroma and flavors were light, it did have more flavor than I was expecting. However, I felt the finish was a bit quick and the little flavors displayed didn’t last. Overall, it was crisp, clean, and drinkable – with more flavor than its predecessor.
My Rating:
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