34. Köstritzer Schwarzbierbrauerei – Köstritzer Schwarzbier

Kostriker SchwartzbierAs I mentiond in my last post, we’re in Miami, and on the way to the airport, we found Fritz and Franz Bierhaus in Coral Gables. The menu was full of German and Austrian food and I ordered a schnitzel sandwich accompanied by a Köstritzer Schwarzbier.

It was delivered in a very cold bottle with the long stem goblet you see here.  It had a nice, full tan creamy head on it when I poured it.  The head had pretty good retention, and I tried (despite fighting off an oncoming cold from traveling), but couldn’t smell much of an aroma at all.

It was cold and had a light and thin body and was very refreshing.  It was a very good, clean, and crisp black lager. The taste was pretty clean with not much taste except a bit of a black patent malt bitterness.  The finish was dry, and a slight black patent or roasted coffee-like bitterness lingered in my mouth.

It was very drinkable and was a great beer.  I’ve had a few black lagers or bohemian pilsners and this was, by far, so far, my favorite.  It was a great compliment to the heavy German food we were eating because of its light body and it was very thirst quenching.

This is one I might have to see if I can find locally to try again.  I’ll also see if I can find a recipe for this one to see if I can brew it at home.

My Rating: ★★★½☆

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Author: kkozlen

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